Friday, July 27, 2012

A Paranoid Mom

Let’s face it I am beyond paranoid, some would call me a freak. There are just certain things I will not let my son do that others are doing at his age. Playing in the front yard with little to no supervision is not an option in my house. An adult has to be outside at all times while my son is playing; mind you an adult I trust with my son. I live in a cul-de-sac and we have become quite good friends with our neighbors thank goodness. My son is 7 and I see younger kids than he playing out front by themselves, however I cannot let him. I am just so paranoid someone is going to take him, or he won’t see that car coming to check their mail and run out in the street.

Walk or ride his bike to school by himself, that’s a big hell now! A few of his classmates had started walking or riding their bikes to school this last year in first grade. I won’t let my son walk or ride down our main street in our subdivision to school alone. I don’t think a 7 year is responsible enough to get to school on time and make the right chooses. As I said I am very paranoid.
Play tackle football ehhh lets stick with flag until you’re in at least Jr. high school. Just the sound of the helmets hitting makes my stomach turn. I couldn’t imagine my son in there and having to watch him. For the last 2 years he has begged to play tackle football. I just think he is too fragile to play that tough of a sport right now. If you knew my son you would think otherwise. He is 100% boy. But I can’t handle watching my son get hurt.
About 3 or 4 years ago my boyfriend got my son a Yamaha dirt bike for Christmas. I did not think it was a good idea and I still don’t think it is. When he was 4 he had training wheels to go on it. Well now he is a big boy, and he doesn’t need them. Mind you he probably goes faster on his bicycle and he has more safety gear on when he is riding his dirt bike than you can imagine. I just cannot stand the sound of his dirt bike starting up, and knowing he is out there riding on it. My stomach hurts, my mind goes to a million places and won’t stop till that damn thing shuts off. So now I just stay home when they go out riding. I can’t deal.
Sometimes I feel like I am so paranoid and the craziest mom out there. But if anything I mean anything that I could control happened to my son I would lose it. Please tell me I am not the only paranoid mom out there.

1 comment:

  1. You're not that crazy! I'm the same way with my girls! It's called lovin' your kid! :-D Great Blog!
