Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How I found out I was pregnant

When most people find out that they are pregnant, they are so happy and excited and cannot wait to tell everyone. However, my story is a little different.

I was in my prime, 22 years old. All about having fun, drinking, and meeting new people. One weekend my BFF Joy and I went on a 4-day trip to Vegas. Oh how we were going to party it up in Vegas, just the 2 of us girls. Or so we thought. The first morning of our trip, we had breakfast at a pancake house and we ate and ate and ate a lot. Then we were off to see the town. First stop Excalibur.
Standing there watching a magic show my stomach begins to feel a little queasy and starts to turn…. I ask myself “Am I feeling nauseous?” HMMMM I must have over ate at breakfast, yep that’s it. Or was the food bad? Yeah maybe that’s it. I look at Joy realizing what is about to happen to tell her I need to go to the bathroom ASAP! I make a run for the bathroom praying I can find one and then make it there in time. Please God do not let me puke in front of all these strangers. Phew, I made it but just just in time. But can you imagine what you‘d be thinking if you saw some random stranger doubled over in one of those fake tree pots losing her breakfast? Not a sight I wanted to make a reality. Well I just wasted some good money on breakfast. I guess it must be these casino cocktails and I catch a buzz faster, no big deal. I felt better for the time being and hey I was in Vegas, let’s hit the town. The rest of our vacation went well, we didn’t drink too much and we did more site seeing then anything. We rode the roller coasters, played some slots, and I won $13 on the penny slots. Whoo hoo.
The day after we got back home, I had a doctor’s appointment. You see, I had missed my period and I was late. Not just late but well over a month late. Before going to Vegas I had taken 4, yes I said 4, at home pregnancy test. All signs showing negative. I thought there was something else wrong with me. A cyst on my ovaries something like that, who knows with us women. Crazy things can happen.
I go to the doctor tell her that I have taken 4, yes I said 4 again, pregnancy test and all of them gave me a pretty little negative sign. So, something else must be wrong! She then asks all of the basics, are you sick to your stomach? Have you thrown up at all? Do your boobs hurt? Yes… yes…yes… yes….F**k…. NO! This can’t be!
I walk in to the bathroom with my little yellow top, pee cup in tow. Knowing damn well I am going to pee on my hand. So I fill my cup like a good girl, put it in the silver door, wash my peed on hands, and try to hold it together. As I shut the bathroom door and head for my room, I notice the doctor right behind me. I walk in the room and she shuts the door. No don’t say it, it’s not true, this can’t be, and then she spills it, “Billie you are pregnant, usually these test take 5 minutes. I dipped yours and it was positive in seconds.” Let the freaking water works begin.
I am not ready to be a mom! I don’t want kids! I am still too young to be a freaking mom! How am I going to pull this off? Worst of all, the babies’ dad! How do I tell him? I have seen this guy a few times but I don’t know much about him. This should go over real well! But first off, I need to tell my mom.
So I call my momma crying. “What’s wrong?” she says. I manage to get out the dreaded words “I’m pregnant!” And to my surprise, my mom couldn’t be happier. The first thing out of her mouth is “You’re not getting married are you?” Yep, that’s right! My mom did not want me to get married. And of course, I told her no. I wasn’t getting married I barely new the guy.
I then proceeded to tell her things like, how can I love someone more then I love myself? How can I take care of a tiny little baby? Mom, I don’t even like kids! Then we started laughing and crying together. My mom was as happy as a pig in shit (as my dad would say) but for me it was a real shocker.
I had to grow up and I had only a few months to pull it together. I knew it would be tough and it was and still is.
However, I wouldn’t change my little love bug for the life of me. He has made me become a better person! He does test my patients on a regular bases but that’s what kids do!

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