Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Flu Shot????

Now I've got a question for you today. Flu Shots yay or nay? I just recently had to take my daughter to urgent care and the Dr. asks me right off the bat is she up to date on all of her vaccinations which I am a vaccinator, there are two kinds of mothers out there one's who are vaccinators and one who do NOT, so yes Bella is up to date. But then she asks has she gotten her flu shot this year? And this is where I really struggle

The last time Bella had a flu shot she was sick almost all winter, and I'm not kidding here. It was like she got over one cold/sickness to have another one hit a few days later. I made countless and pointless trips to the Dr. only to be told "It's a virus there's nothing we can do it just has to run its course." I don't know what to do. This is Bella's first exposure to school and I know kids pick up everything. I know she's going to get sick even if I don't get it but then again I don't want her to get the flu. I mean I can really go back and forth with the pros and cons but I am at a complete lose as to what I'm going to do.

How do you feel about flu shots? Are you or have you already got them for your kids?


  1. Well the poor kid just had bad luck is all. I was sick every Christmas growing up. I got a flu shot this year because it was free for me. It won't hurt her to get q few more antibodies in her system. If she gets sick again .... well that's what kids do.

  2. I avoid flu shots but do feel that people at risk may be better off getting one rather than not. It is a personal choice I hear both sides all the time....people who had the shot and were sicker than ever and people who get the shot and they don't get sick.....I have had only 1 flu shot in my life and it really didn't matter as I don't get taken by influenza bug too often and didn't that year either. Of course that may change as I get older :-)
