Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twin Daddy Hawaii has had a pretty crappy day!

Pretty crappy
So my son Kaleb has learned how to take his diaper off and it has been becoming a nuisance.  At first my wife and I thought he might be able to make it at the carnival as a Houdini type baby since he can take this thing off with his pants still on but now we think we should invest in duct tape. 

The other day my son woke up later than his twin sister by about an hour.  This isn’t all that uncommon but when they go down for naps at noonish, the go together.  We put the kids down and my wife was lucky enough to have a lunch date with one of her friends so she left for the afternoon.  Khloe goes right down because she was up at the first sign of light but Kaleb is still being fussy so I go in and give him some more milk. 

I’m sitting on the couch watching the Chew and Kaleb starts screaming again.  Luckily I have a monitor that I can see what he is doing in his room and I see him standing in his crib screaming, thinking of ways to escape.  This goes on for a few minutes and then stops.  I’m thinking he finally gave up and layed down.  I look over at the monitor and holy crap, literally.  I run into his room to find my son with just his shirt on and crap all over the place.  There’s a dirty diaper on the bed and Kaleb with his pants off and him jumping around like he won the lottery. 

I take him out of the crib, run into the living room to get the wipes and diaper and run back into his room where he’s running around laughing at me, almost taunting me to catch him.  I wrangle him up and get him down on the floor to start my clean up.  This kids got it everywhere from his legs to his hands, under his fingernails and on his face where he rubbed his head.  It’s also on the wall, both blankets in the crib and now on me.  After about 5 minutes of clean up and ½ pack of diaper wipes, we’re going to try again.

As I put on a new diaper, I bring in the reinforcements using a pull up layered on top of the diaper.  I then found the tightest pair of shorts so he can’t pull them down, a new shirt, new blankets, sheets, and more milk.  I feel that he is ready to restart his nap. 

I’m now finishing my lunch and thinking about what I’m going to do for a few hours while the kids sleep the whole time watching this monitor incase he gets any other ideas.  He finally went down so I decided that I would join my family and take a nap as well.  It takes a lot out of you trying to get kids to do what you want.  Thank god for mommies because daddies aren’t always cut out for this work.


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