Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Work From Home Mom

I started working from home late February of this year for a large moving company. It requires me to be on the phone most of the day and the house to be quiet. It has been a huge blessing. I no longer have to pay for daycare. I don't have to worry so much about gas prices because I don't have to spend money on gas like a normal 9-5er. I can make healthier food choices and I don't to go out to eat all the time. If it’s in the frig then its fair game. I no longer have to fight rush hour traffic, fueled with road rage. Unless you consider my sons mattress and my couch pillows scattered all over my living room floor traffic. But even the couch pillows can sometimes cause a little road rage.
However, this summer has been a nightmare. Yea, so I don't have to pay for daycare but what the hell do I do with my 7 year old all day when I need the house quiet anywhere from 6-8 hours at a time? Well, I am lucky enough to have family that is willing to take him a day or two at a time but still that is only a day or two out of a week. I try to throw in day camp and other fun activities but that still leaves a day or two that my little bugger is home with me.
My son is a typical 7-year-old boy. He will sit and watch TV and movies for a while but then comes the snacks that seem to never end. Then he's off to bang on my office door," Whatch ya doin mom" Really, I have told him how many times I am working and you have to be quiet? I have about a fifty fifty shot of him keeping quiet after he burst through that door. I know that eventually I will hear that doorknob turn and I just hope that I am not on a call with a customer when he burst through.
Just the other day he came into my office 4 times while I was on one call. The first 3 times he comes in, I cannot understand what he is saying, he is trying to be quiet and mouth the words but hey I am not a lip reader and he's out a breath. He is super excited and trying to show me something, I’m connected to a headset, I cannot look, not right now. The fourth time he comes in he just says "Look MOM!" I turn to look out into my living room and see that my son, who is only 51lbs, has managed not only to get his full size mattress off his bed but he has also dragged it out his door and down the hallway into the living room. I do a double take, is that your mattress? Yea it is his mattress. He has pulled it out so he can wrestle the couch pillows.
I get up to walk into my living room and here comes my son, "look mom check this move out!" as he does a flying wrestling leap to tackle a couch pillow. I don’t know weather to scold him for doing it or to be proud of him for managing to get that mattress all the way to the living room. My son just stands there beaming with pride and to be honest I probably would have been proud of him too if I had not been on a work call. The things that kids will do to entertain themselves. I tell ya, its something new everyday.
The other thing that, well just flat out sucks, is that working form home the neighborhood kids think they can come over to my house because I am home. I'm home but that doesn't mean that my son is home, remember I have a great support system with him and family willing to help. I have asked, scolded, screamed, and just flat out been rude explaining to these kids that you cannot come to my house during the day I work from home. Do you think that stops them from ringing my damn doorbell? Hell no! It just seems to encourage them to ring it over and over and knock in between, which only gets my Chihuahua barking. Really! I'm sorry, if I haven't answered the door bell on the first ring I'm not going to answer and if I do come to the door by this time my blood pressure is sky high and I'm through the roof. Watch out this mom is about to flip her lid!
So needless to say, this work from home mom needs summer to end. I have three weeks until school starts and they cannot come fast enough! Thank God, my state starts early!


  1. When our 2 kids were growing up, I too had a work at home job. I was sewing on doll dresses and was overjoyed at staying at home while my kids were young. I look back at that time (over 35 years ago) and realize if I could do it over again, I would have played more and listened more to my kids. They are young only once and I wasn't the happiest and most attentive mom. Sure I stayed at home, but they needed me to be there for them. I mean really took time to hear them, see them for the impressionable kids they were. What are we saying to our kids, when we say, "Don't bother me, I am too busy!" I'm only saying, we need to realize that they grow up too fast and when we are too busy, we lose out on the most precious time in their lives. I know we all need to make money, but that shouldn't be our focus when we decide to take on the responsibility of raising our children. I am not trying to tell anyone what to do, so don't take it personnally. I am just reflecting on what I have learned over the years.

    1. I would like to thank you for posting something that was so honest. Hind sight is 20/20 but unfortunately sometimes what is right in front seems a little blurry at times and we just try to do the best that we can! Thanks again for commenting. These are the types of things we want to hear, your advise and wisdom may have just helped another mom.
