About Us

About Us

There are a lot of things that can be said about Billie and Krystal but lets just start you off with some of the facts.
          You ask how do Billie and I, Krystal, fit into this together, what's the story there? Well we go way back to our carhop days. We worked at a drive in for what seemed like forever and a day. I had just graduated and Billie was still in high school. Eventually we all figured out you can't be a carhop forever so we threw our changers at the boss and we went to cosmetology school. And after we were out and ready to conquer the world one head of hair at a time we worked together in the salon. Where she went I went and vise versa. We've been to school together, worked together, lived together, partied together, had a fall out and made it back together. Billie is with out a doubt a true blue hands down best friend. She and I have been scheming together for years and as you can see we've brought our scheming to you here on this blog.
          My name is Billie, I am 30 years old and the mother of an amazing son who is 7. I have been in a 7 year long term relationship and don don don no he is not the father of my son. But he has been an amazing dad to my little boy, he has 3children of his own 13, 17,and 22. I am a hairstylist by trade and I have also been going to a local community college since my son was six months old. Well, as indicated a minute ago my son is now seven. So yes that means I have been going to school for a looonnngggg time.
          I started off trying to pursue a nursing degree but since I have raised a son and done way too much daycare I have come to the conclusion that my stomach just cannot handle the smell or texture of vomit or poop. So I sit here at 30 years old almost done with my 8, yep count em, 8 year associates degree and I just don’t think I want to be a nurse anymore. As some have said weather it be to my face or behind my back, I have not figured out what I want to be when I grow up. But really lets face it who really knows what the hell they want to be when they grow up? I’ll be the first to tell I don’t. I like to think that I’m a pretty funny person and you will come to see this through our blog. I can’t hold a straight face and in the middle of a crisis you just may find me in a complete hysterical laughing attack. Laughter is sometimes the only medicine that can get you through a situation
          My name is Krystal I'm 32 married with two kids. My daughter who is 5 and my son who is almost 3. I'm a stay at home mom who is on the brink of going crazy most days. I choose to stay home to raise my kids or to wrangle them however you want to look at it. I love my job as a mom but its a hard job and although I was ready for the challenge I was no were near prepared to handle a pink bundle of joy that the hospital sent me home with. What were they thinking??? Yep that's the reality that smacked me dead in the ass I was a mom and the days of me where now a thing of past. Well I'd like to think I've adjusted well and I'm learning to juggle motherhood without totally losing my mind, most days that is. I credit this to my girlfriends who also have had kids, because having a friend that you can be brutally honest with is sometimes the best antidepressant. At least it was for me!
          You see Billie had her son about 2 years before I had my daughter and for those two years we talked about how good of a baby her son was, the diaper changes, the teething all of it but she also filled me in on the ugly side of motherhood. How sometimes it just sucks and you love your kids but you have your days where you just don’t like them very much. Ugh Oh, did I just say that? Yep and believe me you, we've all had those days and although she and I love our children, its not stopped our kids from acting like complete asses and wanting to hand out just one good ole fashioned ass whoopin. Now here's the part about all of this and how its going to work. We Do Not Judge other mothers but nor do we condone and physical, emotional, or any kid of abuse to children here. We want this to be a fun place for other mothers who can come to vent your frustrations, ask for advise, or just scream Fu......k, this sucks! So if you find yourself occasionally feeling a little inadequate compared to other mothers and asking yourself how the hell did she pull that one off, then this is a place for you. Parenting has its joys but it also has its hard as hell times and we want other mothers to know that you are not alone . Being a mother isn’t always wonderful it’s a 24-7 job that will test your patients, push you over the edge, people are going to tell you what they think is right or wrong and your never going to please everyone. We want to be here to help push back and show you can get through it, you’re not alone, and you have a soft spot that you can just let it all go. If someone thinks they have raised the perfect child well then either you know something we don’t or you should write a book. So throw away the thought that this is one of those mommy blogs that preach how motherhood is always so wonderful and full of joy. Yes motherhood is all of those things but like every coin there are two sides to it and we are here to tell you our stories of the flip side.
        Hopefully you will see the light in parenting and join us in our conversations and give your input. We are here to try and make being a mother just a little more fun!


  1. I have enjoyed your blog and I can't wait to read more.this is so refreshing and honest thank you.

    1. Thanks Lisa, we are an honest duo that wants to let other mothers out there know they're not alone. If you can't find your humor and laughter, some situations my just leave you in a giant puddle of tears on the floor.
