Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Bun In The Oven Had Been Cooked

It was December 26th and I was sitting in my doctor’s office. It was my due date and I was impatiently waiting for my water to break or my baby to fall out or just something to happen. I was huge, my daughter’s feet were stuck in my ribs and I was in pain. I wanted to meet my little girl that I’d been dreaming about. In my dreams she was so small with blonde hair and the most precious thing I had ever seen. Tick tock tick tock, I just sat there watching the clock. My appointment was for 9 in the morning and it was already 9:20. Hello, already at 9 am they’re running behind. But running late is the story of my life so hey I guess it wasn’t anything new.

Finally they call me back. My husband helps me out of the chair and I waddle my ass to my room to sit and wait some more. They always leave you waiting. The Dr. walks in and does all the measuring and asks how I’m doing. I say hello I’m ready to blow, it’s my due date. He then asks my husband and I if we want to try and naturally induce. My husband, not I, gives him the go ahead to scrape the membrane, now I will say if you are pregnant and your Dr. asks you this just know it is PAINFUL! But I can honestly say I was thrown into labor within a half an hour, it worked for me. I was taken in for an ultrasound to make sure baby was in good condition.  All was clear and I was sent home.

 It took until about 5 in the evening for the major contractions to hit. My baby was coming, I was ecstatic and scared. I will cut this story short by saying the next several hours went by with a whole lot of huffing and puffing and several phone calls to the labor and delivery nurses. I made it to 5 am when my husband woke up to find me bent over the couch in tears with another hard contraction hitting. He grabbed my bags and out the door we headed.

I felt every bump and pothole in the road, and if you’ve ever been to Spokane you know our roads suck! We arrive at the hospital and I’m bound and determined I am going to walk the last little bit to my saving grace called an epidural. I refuse the wheelchair my husband is trying to put me in and start off to the elevator. But we were lost in the hospital. Unlike the smart ones out there we didn’t take the tour of the hospital, I didn’t think we’d need it. Word of advice always know where you are going in a situation like this before you’re in the middle of labor. Thanks to a nice little lady seeing that I was hunkered down huffing and puffing away guided my husband and I to the labor and delivery floor. My nurses seen me coming, we had chatted several times through the night and immediately they seen I had had enough. My epidural was on the way.

The next few hours were a blur; I was high as a kite on an epidural. Life was good. But I had spiked a fever, the next thing I know my nurse is explaining to me that they need to give me some Tylenol but I can’t drink anything. I ask so what’s that mean? She looked at me and explained it’s going to have to go in your butt. What what what my butt? The first thing that pops in my head after hearing this is oh god and I blurt out is it going to hurt? She laughs at me and says I’m pretty sure you’re not going to feel anything you’re numb from your boobs down. Oh yea that’s right the epidural, thank god for that.

So here I am all drugged up and now with a fever. But they’re still telling me everything looks good baby is doing good but we need to give you something to speed this along. My husband is with me and my bff Christina. My parents we in AZ and my inlaws were in Alaska because my sister in law had just had a baby as well. But I was good I had the best two people in my corner that I could have had at that time.

Before I even knew it the nurses were telling me ok were going to start pushing now. I’m thinking wow wow let me have a practice one first but no go. I was pushing! And I pushed and pushed and pushed. My daughter was not coming out. Nurses are worried about her head coming through I’m thinking if her head won’t fit how the hell are her shoulders going to come through. So I ask what’s going happen here and they bring in a chair. I don’t know exactly what that chair was about but I never had to climb into it. I pushed for two and a half hours, I was exhausted falling asleep between contractions, the epidural was wearing off, I’d thrown up and I wasn’t sure how much more I can take.  The baby just wouldn’t come out.

My Dr. walks in and gives me two options, you can push for another two hours and she may come out or we can just go with a C section.  My husband and I couldn’t say C-section fast enough.  Wham bam before I know it I’m being whisked away and back to huffing and puffing.

Things moved so fast in my delivery that most of it was a blur and before I knew it I hear this tiny little squeak, she was out. Then things got really scary. I had a fever that never broke my daughter had been cooking inside of me all afternoon while I just sat back and watched TV.  We are asking if she is ok and the only thing they will tell us is your baby has been under a lot of stress, over and over they just keep repeating this to us. Then we finally hear that first cry that we’ve been waiting 9 months to hear. Again asking is she ok is everything ok? Only to hear your baby has been under a lot of stress. I can hear the doctors taking about my fever and vitals and stress and the baby. All I want to know is she ok? And what is all this talk about stress? What does that mean? Then finally dad is allowed to see her and cut the cord. I was finally able to see our precious baby. Our baby was born at 7:46pm, December 27th, 7lbs 3oz and 19 ½ inches. She had almost black hair and a very dark complexion. Nothing compared to my blond hair, green eyes and fair complexion. If I hadn’t seen everything happening I truly would have thought she was someone else’s baby. But she was ours and a complete combination of my husband and I, I just had to see through the dark hair and complexion. Now at 5 years old she is as fair as can be with hair that’s now a dark blonde. She still continues to change every day.

I still don’t know what all “your baby has been under a lot of stress” meant and at this point I don’t care! My daughter is healthy, happy, and a normal 5 year old little girl. That’s all the matters!


  1. I forwarded this blog to our System Engineer at the plant who is 10 weeks prego… I’m sure she will like it but may scare her a bit…
