Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Tiny Little Girl With A Big Voice

My daughter is five and she is getting ready for the Big K. Yep she's going to kindergarten. I am completely freaked out about this but hey, its part of life and we all made it through it. My daughter is a tiny little thing, she is 37lbs and small, I will not classify her as short yet just small. Most people on the outside see her as a shy little girl who is quiet, but the people who are part of the inner circle see her as a little girl with a gigantic voice.
She flutters around like a fairy always on the move and on the go. She will not stand still for anything and she seems to speak in her highest most loudest little voice she can. Now maybe you can see why I am a little worried about kindergarten. If she is outside playing and you are not doing what she wants exactly how she wants it, you can hear her two blocks over. Everyone in the neighborhood knows when my daughter is outside. She will see you coming a house or two down and she sounds just like she's in your ear screaming HELLO! If the neighborhood is quiet then you know my daughter is up to no good.
I love her little voice, her library voice, her beautiful singing voice and even once in a while her whiney voice. But let me tell you what her loud shrills, barking, squawking, and complete lack of understanding the phrase "You don't have to be so loud!" are making me crazy. It never stops and heavens forbid she and my son get into a fight. The dinner table is a disaster, she has to say her peace at all times, and she is that child you hear clear across the grocery store.
I am really hoping that once she goes to school this will calm down and if not I am sure her kindergarten teacher and I are going to become good friends. I am beginning to think my daughter has taken on the motto, I might be small but you'll damn well know when I'm talking to you!


  1. She does have quite the voice and has an opinion. She also doesn't like being talked down to. She is a very smart cookie! I know, I am her proud gramma. I love talking to her and miss not seeing her and the rest of the family. We use to see you guys at least once a week and it's hard. It's hard being so far away from you. Listen up you parents out there, remember, when you're children move out and have their own families it's hard on the grandparents. We hang on every conversation, every story and love the time we get to share with you. We love you and miss you all the time. I just love hearing about your day and this blog is such a comfort. Grandma & Grandpa I am new at this so bear with me.

    1. You make me smile grandma. We miss you too, glad you are liking everything so far. You hear most of this first hand but is different when your reading it. Keep coming back we've got more for ya.
