Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Unemployed Hawaiin Twin Daddy

Did I tell you I had two-year-old twins?  Well usually I work a full time job but as of Monday, I’m one of thousands Americans…unemployed.  Oh ya, go to work and find out that the company is downsizing and now your no longer needed.  It really sucks but it’s something you deal with. 


That’s a fun phone call…  Hey sweetie, I just got laid off and Ill be home in a few hours, I just have to clean out my office.  I can only imagine the thoughts going through the wife’s head as I tell her this information because my head is spinning round and round.


After a few hours I get home and wow, there is the wife and the twins wanting to have a conversation on what the hell were going to do.. Except the kids are have no clue, their two…  my idea of dealing with this is, let’s start drinking… 


A few beer later, I try to help the wife understand that well be fine, there’s jobs out there and well figure it out.  However, I’m freaking nervous and now drunk…  to the next day…


It’s now like a weekend cause daddy’s home and doing the morning routine.  Of course one of the twins wake up early and the other sleeps late.  Now I have been waking up at 4am for the past for ever but when my son wakes up at 7am, I look at the wife and she is in no shape, she found the vodka last night, so I get up and start the morning.  Pop some aspirins, a tagament, and start some breakfast.  Shortly after the other one wakes up and we have a full blown two year old party at 730am on the day after daddy got laid off and his head is going boom boom.. 


It’s now like a typical Saturday but it’s really Tuesday and we make it through the day.  Wednesday the same way except the wife got up early for the kids.  Why do they have to get up so freaking early when you want to sleep in?  Its like they know…  


So its now been 3 days and I’ve had 2 job interviews, everything looks like it will be fine but you never know.  I have always been the bread winner bit this week that I’ve had off and watched my wife deal with the twins astonished me.  Stay at home mom… now that’s a job…  I can’t wait to get back to work because dealing with the twins everyday would eventually send me to the funny farm..   I’ll keep you posted on the search for employment…




  1. Truthful Mommy-BillieAugust 26, 2012 at 9:10 AM

    Twin Daddy, you will find something and hopefully soon. Im sure your wife is ready for you to find something as much as your ready to find something! haha. I have one now 7 and I couldn't imagine 2 at a freaking time ugh. good luck with the employment search!

  2. Unemployed Twin Daddy keep your head up and keep on the job search. You will find something, somthing preferably in WA LOL, but you'll find something.
