Sunday, October 14, 2012

Twin Daddy needs help!

What are we going to feed the kids today? This is a question I ask myself every morning, afternoon and evening. Realize that I was laid-off about 6 weeks ago so I have been spending a lot of time with my two-year old twins lately. My morning routine starts with getting up at 6-6:30, checking e-mails and waiting for one of the kids to start screaming and go get them. I get the one up and hopefully the other one will sleep a little longer. Get the one changed and juice and then, what to feed them. Usually the other one is up by then and now the same thing, changed and juice.
At this point I have two kids that should eat breakfast and I either make them pancakes, French toast or scrambled eggs. After all the trouble you think they would enjoy eating what I made them but mostly not. So I give more juice and a squeeze pouch. I need breakfast ideas!!
Lunch is painful as we either have chicken nuggets, fish strips, or pizza rolls. Any other suggestions??
Dinner is a grilled cheese, nuggets again, fish again, more squeeze thing, and then they typically don’t eat anything so we give them a protein milk thing.
Can some one give me a list of things to make for picky little eaters? I can cook about anything and I really got nothing going on right now so I have the time.
Please help!!


  1. Do you think they would eat heather's gravy? She is such a great cook (no offense) u can make different things with pasta? How bout Mac & cheese? Chicken and Dumpings? I used to go down the kids baby food isle and get ideas of what they have now. Nikki never ate baby food, she ate from what we ate and food processed or masheed what ever. Talk to other auntie Sharon, she is the one that taught me how to cook baby food for Nikki. Chris would rather eat baby food/toddler food. Chero's were one of his faverite snach food. Goodle tips for toddler foods and I am sure you will find some ideas, Love to all my hawaii family. Auntie Sandt

  2. I struggle with this myself. One day something is their favorite and the next they refuse to touch it. I'm trying to think outside of the box and find some new recipes that are easy to whip up but incorporate the things that I know they will eat. I wish you good luck on this journey and will let you know if I find something that is just too good to turn away!
