Thursday, November 15, 2012

Well Child Check Up

Well I called to schedule Landon for his 8 year old well child check and they informed me that I had not taken him for a well child check since he was 5 years old. Wow time really does fly. I knew I had missed last year but really last time I took him he was 5? Ok well let’s get him in. Tuesday November 13 at 3 pm. He will be happy he gets to get out of school a little early and mom is picking him up.
First thing he asks “Mom I am not getting a shot if I do you owe me a dollar.” I just nod and say ok. I was pretty sure he was caught up on all his shots so I thought I was in the clear and the least I could do if he had to get a shot was give him a buck. We get to his doctors office and when the nurse calls him back first thing he ask is “do I have to get a shot?” she said “no you are all caught up till 10 unless your mom wants to get you the flu shot.” I said no and continued on.
Time to get an official weight and height
Weight 62 pounds (70%)
Height 52.75 inches (81%)
His doctor tells me he is going to be a tall lean boy. He has 20/20 vision and looks to be a healthy growing boy. He has Landon lay down and start pushing on his stomach and Landon tells him it hurts and he said its going to hurt a little because he is making sure his stomach is growing good. And then he pulls Landon shorts up and Landon crosses his legs so the doctor cant see his private parts. I had to explain to him that only mommy and the doctor should only look at that. He was embarrassed but relaxed once I told him it was ok. Now all he needs to do is the finger prick and check his iron levels.
And this is when Landon tells his Doctor. If it hurts I’m going to find you…. And I had to stop him because I knew he was going to say something inappropriate. The doctor just giggled and laughed I tried to tell Landon that it wouldn’t hurt too much but as soon as the nurse came in shit hit the fan. I had to hold his hand so the nurse could do it and he cried and cried and cried and continued to cry the whole way home.
Today we have a dentist appointment to get a tooth pull this should be a great time. I'll keep you updated on how this turns out.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Dead beat dad? You tell me!

Dead Beat… Think again bitch

If there is any one thing that I learned from my mom that I use on a regular basis it is to not call my sons father names or talk shit about him in front of my son. If there is any one thing that I learned from my mom that I use on a regular basis it is to not call my sons father names or talk shit about him in front of my son.

My Biological father was a real piece of shit to be honest. He left my Mom with 3 kids and never paid child support. For a few years after they split I recall him coming to pick up my brothers but he never picked me up. I am still not sure as to why. However my mom never, not once in my childhood ever talked bad about my sperm donor. (He doesn’t deserve the title as a dad in my eyes. I have an amazing dad!) When I was old enough to see for myself what a piece of crap he was my mom then explained what happened and, to this day she nor my “Dad” will not talk shit about the sperm donor. They will agree with me if I bring something up. But they will not on their own talk bad about him.

I do the same thing with my son. His dad and I do not see eye to eye and he left me when I was only 2 months pregnant. But I’ve not said one bad thing about his dad in front of him. Why you ask? Because, his dad is half of him. Maybe not now but someday there is that chance of him recalling me saying something and he brings it back to him. Like I’m calling him names or I think badly of him because of who is father is. Probably not but you never know.

I am writing this blog today because my boyfriends ex wife had the nerve to call him a dead beat on facebook the other day. Yep 2 of their 3 kids have a facebook account and seen this. One is 22 years old and one is 17. Thank god they know that is not the case. My boyfriend works hard to support his kids and makes sure she gets her child support on time but we are in the middle of starting a business. His check is a few days late and she has the nerve to call him a dead beat, on FACEBOOK (hello internet). I couldn’t believe it.

To me a dead beat is someone who hasn’t paid child support for months or years not, a half a week late. Someone that doesn’t give 2 shits less what their kids are doing, prime example my sperm donor. Since me and Curt have been together almost 8 years now he has paid her child support every month if not week by week. He goes out to Boston to see his kids that do not live here for Christmas and has a Christmas with just him and his kids. We also try to plan a family vacation every summer so we can go see his kids for 2 weeks. He would love to have all his kids  here with him. I’m sure one day they will all be here in AZ with us but until then we will just have to go see them when we can.

Sorry but this is not a dead beat dad, what’s your definition of one?

Come on, is this really something we should be saying to our kids?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Make A Wish

Standing out at the bus stop today with my daughter, waiting for the bus once again. My daughter picks a dandelion and just like our mommas told us, I tell her to blow it and make a wish. She looks at me with a sad face and tells me my wishes never come true.

Ok I have to admit that one made me feel a little sad myself, here my daughter is making wishes yet none of them are coming true. So I ask her honey what are you wishing for. She tells me well I wished I could go to Dragon Land (from the cartoon Dragon Tails), then she says I also wish I could see a unicorn, and then the last wish she’s wished for is that I would never run out of money.  My little girl is wishing for things that will never come true. Dragon Land doesn’t exist, she’s never going to see a unicorn aside from cartoons, and well shit I’m never going to have an unlimited supply of money. That is unless we win the lottery.
I sent my daughter off to school with a smile on my face. The innocents of our children, they are only little for a short time. They may drive us nuts but it’s the little things like this that make it all worth this wild journey called parenthood

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mom, Mom, mom, mom!

Ok so I am sure you have all see the Family Guy commercials:
Stewie: (Comes into the bedroom) Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Lois! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mama! Mama! Mama! Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mummy! Mummy! Mumma! Mumma! Mumma!Lois: What!?
Stewie: Hi! (Giggling and running out of the room)
Ok so now you know the one I am taking about. Well my son is bad at this ,he says mom all the damn time. I however have learned to tune it out. Curt on the other hand has not. It gets really freaking annoying once Curt brings it to my attention.
Well Saturday we had a long day of errands and Landon was on a mission to see how annoying he could be. HAHA.
Mom why did they invent the toilet? Mom why did they invent fences? Mom why did they invent cars? Mom why did they invent air planes? Mom why did they invent houses? Mom why did they invent garbage cans? Mom why did they invent phones? Mom why did they invent dirt? Mom why did they invent cups?
Anything we passed he wanted to know why they invented it. As a mom I just popped back with a answer knowing if I didn’t he would keep asking until I said something. I mean really I don’t know everything but this kid seems to think I know everything.
Curt was about to go ape shit. I was about as annoyed as any other normal mom would be and well how do you tell your kid to shut up when they are just so curious.
Do your kids ask you crazy questions all day long everyday?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twin Daddy Hawaii has had a pretty crappy day!

Pretty crappy
So my son Kaleb has learned how to take his diaper off and it has been becoming a nuisance.  At first my wife and I thought he might be able to make it at the carnival as a Houdini type baby since he can take this thing off with his pants still on but now we think we should invest in duct tape. 

The other day my son woke up later than his twin sister by about an hour.  This isn’t all that uncommon but when they go down for naps at noonish, the go together.  We put the kids down and my wife was lucky enough to have a lunch date with one of her friends so she left for the afternoon.  Khloe goes right down because she was up at the first sign of light but Kaleb is still being fussy so I go in and give him some more milk. 

I’m sitting on the couch watching the Chew and Kaleb starts screaming again.  Luckily I have a monitor that I can see what he is doing in his room and I see him standing in his crib screaming, thinking of ways to escape.  This goes on for a few minutes and then stops.  I’m thinking he finally gave up and layed down.  I look over at the monitor and holy crap, literally.  I run into his room to find my son with just his shirt on and crap all over the place.  There’s a dirty diaper on the bed and Kaleb with his pants off and him jumping around like he won the lottery. 

I take him out of the crib, run into the living room to get the wipes and diaper and run back into his room where he’s running around laughing at me, almost taunting me to catch him.  I wrangle him up and get him down on the floor to start my clean up.  This kids got it everywhere from his legs to his hands, under his fingernails and on his face where he rubbed his head.  It’s also on the wall, both blankets in the crib and now on me.  After about 5 minutes of clean up and ½ pack of diaper wipes, we’re going to try again.

As I put on a new diaper, I bring in the reinforcements using a pull up layered on top of the diaper.  I then found the tightest pair of shorts so he can’t pull them down, a new shirt, new blankets, sheets, and more milk.  I feel that he is ready to restart his nap. 

I’m now finishing my lunch and thinking about what I’m going to do for a few hours while the kids sleep the whole time watching this monitor incase he gets any other ideas.  He finally went down so I decided that I would join my family and take a nap as well.  It takes a lot out of you trying to get kids to do what you want.  Thank god for mommies because daddies aren’t always cut out for this work.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Kids, I tell ya

Picking my daughter up the other day from school she tells me, "Mom Dawson's birthday is after 's Christmas and he said that I'm invited.  It's going to be a Chuck E Cheese. But he said for me to wait for him in the parking lot, he has to ask his mom and dad first."

I was cracking up. Here are two five year olds trying not only to set up a birthday party but a  playdate. Bella has come home several times talking about Dawson, how Dawson isn't very nice to the other kids but he's always nice to her, and how she totally likes him. UGH it's starting already!

All I had in response to her date at Chuck E Cheese was to tell her that if you get an invitation we'll talk about it. I'm all about playdates and Birthday parties but I'll be damned if we're waiting in the parking lot!

Happy Friday all!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No more naps for this momma!

You know you’ve done gone plum crazy when you wake up from a nap and are lying in bed waiting for your mom to get home. I layed in my bed for about half an hour waiting for her to come home. I kept hearing kids yelling and screaming and I was not about to get up until she came home to handle it. That’s not my job!

Finally the voices started to make sense and I began to focus a little better. The yelling and screaming was coming from my own kids and that was my husband’s voice. Oh shit, I burst out of my room still disoriented bouncing off of the walls as I made my way to the living room.  I’m sorry I’m sorry is all I could say.

I sat down feeling like an ass for laying in there and waiting for her to come home. I felt so let down but hey that’s the thing with our dreams we have no control what so ever over them, it just sucks when you’re half awake and having them. I really thought my momma was coming home.