Thursday, November 15, 2012

Well Child Check Up

Well I called to schedule Landon for his 8 year old well child check and they informed me that I had not taken him for a well child check since he was 5 years old. Wow time really does fly. I knew I had missed last year but really last time I took him he was 5? Ok well let’s get him in. Tuesday November 13 at 3 pm. He will be happy he gets to get out of school a little early and mom is picking him up.
First thing he asks “Mom I am not getting a shot if I do you owe me a dollar.” I just nod and say ok. I was pretty sure he was caught up on all his shots so I thought I was in the clear and the least I could do if he had to get a shot was give him a buck. We get to his doctors office and when the nurse calls him back first thing he ask is “do I have to get a shot?” she said “no you are all caught up till 10 unless your mom wants to get you the flu shot.” I said no and continued on.
Time to get an official weight and height
Weight 62 pounds (70%)
Height 52.75 inches (81%)
His doctor tells me he is going to be a tall lean boy. He has 20/20 vision and looks to be a healthy growing boy. He has Landon lay down and start pushing on his stomach and Landon tells him it hurts and he said its going to hurt a little because he is making sure his stomach is growing good. And then he pulls Landon shorts up and Landon crosses his legs so the doctor cant see his private parts. I had to explain to him that only mommy and the doctor should only look at that. He was embarrassed but relaxed once I told him it was ok. Now all he needs to do is the finger prick and check his iron levels.
And this is when Landon tells his Doctor. If it hurts I’m going to find you…. And I had to stop him because I knew he was going to say something inappropriate. The doctor just giggled and laughed I tried to tell Landon that it wouldn’t hurt too much but as soon as the nurse came in shit hit the fan. I had to hold his hand so the nurse could do it and he cried and cried and cried and continued to cry the whole way home.
Today we have a dentist appointment to get a tooth pull this should be a great time. I'll keep you updated on how this turns out.

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