Sunday, October 21, 2012

And I shall call you????

Do you remember when you were a little girl and you fell in love with certain names that you were forever going to name your make believe children and if you ever had all of them you’d probably have 10 kids, 5 boys 5 girls with at least one set of twins? Well the naming of my son didn’t come from when I was little but it did happen not too long before I found out I was pregnant.   

It was 2002 and I can vividly remember walking out of the movie “A Walk to Remember” and telling my friends that if I ever have a little boy I’m going to name him Landon. I loved the name, not so much everyone else but hey it was my name and I held on to it.

Well in 2004 when I got pregnant I said again if it’s a boy he’s a Landon and if it’s a girl she’s Lola. (But that’s a different story for another time preferably once you’ve had a cocktail or two) Anyways, around 20 weeks I found out my little bundle of joy was in fact going to be a boy. He was my little Landon!

When I told his dad what I was going to name him, he did not like it at all. But that didn’t matter I was going to be selfish again. He walked out and I was going to be raising my son alone.  My son, my name.  Besides I loved the name, it sounded strong, and I had never known anyone by the same name.

Fast forward 7 years, my son is a huge, huge, WWE Wrestling fan and he is always telling me how he hates his name. The last few years he has come up with some, well let’s just call them interesting names he would have rather been named.  Currently due to his obsession with WWE he keeps asks me why I didn’t name him Shamus, after his favorite wrestler. All I can respond back on this one is “for one I have never heard of the name Shamus and two I’m not a fan of that name, and three I would have never named you after a wrestler (Oh shit he could have been Hogan LOL cause you know my favorite was Hulk Hogan way back in the day) Well apparently Landon’s not happy with this answer because just about on a daily basis he asks, “Mom why didn’t you name me Shamus?”

What the hell, I tried to find an original name! A name my son would love and not have 5-6 kids in his class with his same name! Now he tells me he hates it.  “Oh well buddy you can hate it all you want but it’s your name and it’s not gonna change!

Soosh my son wants to talk about hating his name try growing up with a boy name like mine Billie. Now I hated that name! Are you happy with your name?

1 comment:

  1. At least people don't think you named your kid after Twilight. I'm sure that there are people out there that did do that but I named Bella long before I had ever heard of Bella Swan. My baby girl was going to be Beautiful no matter what!!!
