Friday, October 26, 2012

Some days you just gotta do what you gotta do!

So yesterday was one hell of a day with my 3yr old. Between screaming for snacks and movies, tormenting the dog, not listening for shit, and running off down the road I had had my fill. The last time I had to chase him down the street I was done. I marched his little butt right back into the house and into his room.  I had reached my limit and wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to contain my frustrations. I did exactly what all the parenting books tell you to do, put them in a safe place and walk away. So into his room he went and he was going to stay there until daddy came home.

He screamed, he cried, he called me everything he could with his 3yr old vocabulary. I was a mean mommy, he didn’t like me, I was yucky, and he wanted his daddy. He threw every hot wheels car at the door he had, kicked it to the point I was sure he was going to put his foot through the door. But I was standing my ground he needed to be in there. He needed a break and I needed a break.

I see dad pulling into the drive way and I go to let him come out. I’m standing at the door talking to him through it. I get momma I’m so sorry, I be a good boy, I lub you. I just begin to crack the door open pushing tiny little cars out of the way and I notice something whitish on the floor. Oh God what now, are you kidding me, what have you gotten into. I get the door open to discover at some point through our day he has snuck a package of cornbread into his room. (For days the kids have thought that this box was cupcakes and wouldn’t listen to me telling them its cornbread we’re going to use it this weekend) I have my son in front of me laughing saying look momma this so funny, he’s covered in it. His toys are covered, the floor is covered, and my blood pressure is through the roof. I’m ready to cry.

Just then the door opens and I hear Honey I’m home, yes my husband does say this, only to have me respond come and look at this. What now is all he can say until he sees what’s in front of him. All I can say is go to the store, I need a drink. He chuckles and say’s how about I clean this up and you go to the store. I grab my keys and my purse and am gone before he can even spit out I love you.

The lady at the checkout asks how my day’s going and I start laughing. She says I bet it’s about to get better. You betcha! I tell her the mess I’ve just left behind and she starts laughing. She sends me on my way with the final words, “I don’t blame ya honey, go home and have yourself a good night!” And that’s exactly what I did!

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