Monday, October 29, 2012

Birthday Blues

Not only am I a “Paranoid Mom” I am a “Procrastinator Mom”too.
You see in 7 days on November 4th my son will be turning 8 years old. I am having his party the day before. This gives me exactly 6 days from today to get things planned. As of this morning at 11 am I had not sent out one birthday invite via email, nor did I make a Facebook event. So this Mom right here sends everyone a text message that reads… “Landon’s birthday party this Saturday bounce house food and cake my house.” Yep that was my awesome invite to my son’s 8th birthday party. Gosh I’m such a terrible party planner. Oh well I guess these are the things that happen when you work out of the home all the time. It’s been a while since I have worked out of the house and let me tell you I am late to everything and I procrastinate all the time.
I asked my son last month what he wanted to do for his birthday party. Last year we did chucky cheese. It was a little out of the budget but it was nice. I didn’t have to pre clean the house and I didn’t have to do the dreaded after cleaning. This was well worth the money in itself. So Landon informs me he wants to have the party at our house and have a bounce house with a piñata. If that’s what he wants to do that is what we will do. The closer it gets the more I dread having the party here. I have to clean, buy food, cake, the piñata, and entertain everyone.
However the week before his birthday is always a crazy week, its Halloween week. This weekend he has been with his Nana and Popo doing all kinds of Halloween stuff. So we have yet to crave pumpkins. Guess we will be doing that Monday night. Tuesday night his school is having an event called teach and treat, I know he will want to go to this because it’s all he has talked about. Then Wednesday is Halloween. That leaves me Thursday and Friday to get everything done for the party.
Needless to say I am so glad I only have one kid to plan a party for if I had more I would probably call all birthdays off.

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