Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Break

Fall break is just around the corner for us here in Arizona. One week off and it’s still over 100 degrees. Wow what the hell will I do with my son? All his friends are going to be flying out of state to go see their dads so he will have no friends to play with for a whole week. So that means momma will have to entertain him. However there is a slight problem, I work out of the home now. I can bring him with me but how fun would it be for a 7 almost 8 year old to spend his time in a house while momma cleans? Doesn’t sound like fun to me.
Anyway here is my thinking on this whole fall break thing….
When I was in school we didn’t have anything called fall break let alone a week off of school right after school started only 2 months prior. Do they really need a break already? I mean seriously they just went back to school 2 months ago.
So for the next 3 months these kids got it easy peasy. 1 week off for fall break. They have the Monday after off as well. Then he will go to school 2 full days and then have early release for parent teach conferences on Thursday and Friday.
November, he will be off one day for Veterans Day and then have a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t throw in a couple half days just to piss me off =).
December, well they will have like 2 weeks off for Christmas break. Seriously do they need 2 damn weeks off to play with their new freaking toys? If I know my kid right after Christmas when we go to the damn store he will want us to buy him a new toy after we just spent hundreds of dollars on Christmas. Yep sounds about how ungrateful these kids are now days… well at least mine

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