Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Liar liar pants on fire!

So here we are at almost 8 years old. My son has slowly learned over time what a lie is. If there is one thing that drives me mad is my kid lying. Well for one he is a crappy liar so it’s easy to tell when he is lying to me. And two liars suck. We all lie here and there but my kid has come to lie about shit that doesn’t even matter.
Let me tell you about a friend of mine. Well this person was known to lie about everything. He lied about stupid stuff he would tell people he won tickets to a concert on the radio however a few days before the concert tickets just flew out the window of his car. He told lies like this all the time so I don’t want my son to be like that. So I am trying to nip it in the ass now.
My son has lied to me about what he was going to eat at the neighbors house for dinner. Really if I am going to let you eat over there you have no reason to lie about what you are going to eat.
Just the other night he had the nerve to tell me he brushed his teeth already I told him to let me smell his breath… smelled like a pickle…. The pickle he ate a few minutes before… He didn’t back down he stuck to saying he brushed his teeth.
This is probably the best lie my son has told me….
Landon is taking a bath I give him a friendly reminder to wash his hair before he gets out. I know mom. (Cause he knows every god damn thing.) Landon gets out of the bath towel wrapped around him. I ask him Landon did you wash your hair? Yep mom I did. Well that’s weird because your hair is dry. Landon: Mom I dried it off with a towel. Me: don’t lie to me your hair is dry as a bone. Landon: I washed it mom me: Landon you didn’t wash your hair end of story quit your lying.
Ok so yeah my 8 year old thinks he can out smart me.
Do your kids lie? How do you break this bad habbit?

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