Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference UGH.

Parent teacher conferences are approaching this week. I have Landon’s at 6:20pm on Thursday to be exact. Well it’s no secret to you all that are following the blog that my son is really struggling this year with his grades. Reading and spelling are subjects he really struggles in and by struggles in I mean his grades in both subjects haven’t been above a “D” since school has started. At one point he was getting a 25% in reading.
With that being said I have came to the conclusion that I am going to request he be tested for a learning disability. It is something I have wanted done since last year but I'm putting my foot down as of Thursday at 6:20pm.
So with all this non sense with his grades and him struggling I know he isn’t doing very well. Today in his agenda his teacher writes a little note that says… “Landon is going to be receiving an excelling eagle’s award.” I am proud that he is getting an award but really he isn’t excelling. So really why would he be receiving this award? I am very curious to know what her explanation is as to why she is giving him this award.
I will blog about what happens at the parent teacher conference as well as her explanation as soon as I find out what is going to happen, stay tuned!

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