Hi Everyone! I just want to say, how proud I am, my daughter-in-law is such an inspiration. Creating a blog is not easy. I am excited to see what people write and I myself write. I believe we all have creativity within us and sometimes we put that on the back burner, because well our main excuse is "I'm too busy, I'll do it later." I am glad that Krystal and her friend decided to do this.
When my children were little around 35 years ago, I was into the natural and organic movement. I still am but in a different way. I felt it was important to feed my children fresh vegetables and if I could raise them, more the better. I still grow my own vegetables and even raise them from seed and give the plants away to family and friends. I get great satisfaction from growing and eating from my own garden.
Now, I want to share something really important. Our country is in the middle of a terrible drought in the Midwest and even into the East. It seems it's the worst drought in 60 years. Water is our live force. Without it we cannot live. Our food sources are at stake.
It seems that back when Bush and Cheney were in charge of our country, Cheney got together with the Energy Commission and big oil companies (behind closed doors) and decided that "fracking" would be the way to go to decrease our dependency on foreign oil. If you don't know what "fracking" is, let me tell you. Fracking is pumping millions of gallons of water and lots of chemicals into the ground to release the natural gas in our earth. I guess our country has a lot of natural gas, but it's hard to get. The problem with this is that they need a lot of water and chemicals to pump down into the earth to release the natural gas.
This "fracking" is causing 34 states in our country to the point that our acquifer is not being polluted and starved for water. The news only says we are in a drought, but I believe that "fracking" is causing a major problem. The people who were sold this bill of goods, were told that it wouldn't hurt anything. They were told that they would pump water down below the acquifer and that it wouldn't have any affect. Wells have been polluted and are toxic throughout these 34 states. Truth is, they didn't tell these poor farmers the truth. Truth is this is destroying our land, our cattle, our crops and our drinking water. Shame on them!
The reason that I bring this up is that you need to contact your Senators and House of Representatives and tell them that water is more precious than natural gas. Without water we cannot survive. Currently there are no regulations to oversee this dangerous problem. We need to change this, but without your support, it won't get done. It will only get worse. Help stop this by contacting the people in charge of our country.