Monday, August 27, 2012

No, that's not a hotdog!

 I walk into the bathroom to check on my son who is in his first few weeks of potty training. He sees me coming and says in his 2yr old little voice, “You go in you room momma!” I see he needs some privacy and let him be.

A minute or so passes by and I hear from the other side of the door, “Momma there’s a hotdog in da toilet!” I said, “What?” and step in to assist. He looks me straight in the eyes and says again “there a hotdog in there, why there a hotdog in da toilet, mom?”

Now here’s the thing apparently, he hasn’t really noticed what exactly is happening in the bathroom when he goes and he’s not exactly noticed what really comes out.
I explain in between chuckles that son you pooped, that is not a hotdog it’s poop. He fires right back “No momma dat is a hotdog in da toilet!” Back and forth, we go with this until I can get him cleaned up. He proudly stands over the bowl still examining his “hotdog”. He stick out his chubby little finger and points down and says “yes momma dat is a hotdog in da toilet” I look at my son just shaking my head. This mom had one final thing to say, “Son Flush!” Shwoooossshhhhh.
Every once in awhile I will hear his little voice echoing from behind the bathroom door proudly shouting out, “Dats a big hotdog.” Well I guess having him call it a hotdog is a heck of a lot better than him shouting out, dats a big turd mom!

1 comment:

  1. I am so not looking forward to potty training our two year old twins at the same time. I'm sure it will be a "Calgon take me away", kinda period.
