Monday, August 20, 2012

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this my bed?

OK so waking up in my house you are liable to find one if not both of our kids in our bed. I don't know how this has happened, well yes I do. I should say we allowed our daughter when she was very small to come in and sleep with us, I was nursing and it just seemed easier for both of us that way. But not something we wanted forever.  She soon began hopping out of her crib so we moved her into a toddler bed. She would make her way to our room and we'd find her in our bed, no harm no foul. She came in while we were asleep and we would find her between us when we woke up. Hey in our eyes it was better than her running all over the house unattended. We did find her a few times stripped down to her birthday suit in the refrigerator, apparently she liked her midnight snack in the buff, it kept the crumbs from sticking to her jammies.

We had got her back into her bed, easy peasy. She wasn't fighting it and we kept up the old put her back to bed when she came in. Everything was great, for a while. Just when we thought we had claimed our bed back that’s when little Mister Nater Po Tater came into our lives. At the time we were not equipped with enough bedrooms unless my husband and I moved down into the basement, which was not happening. So Bella and Nate began bunking together, first night not a problem. Second night that 2am feeding sure enough had our little girl back in the middle of our bed. I'd like to say that we were the stickler parents that marched her right back but I'm sorry at 1,2,3 in the morning I was not about to fight with her to get her back to sleep and the last thing I wanted was for her to wake up her brother ,whom I had just got back to sleep! This momma needed sleep. So we just snuggled up. Now for those parents out there reading this my best advice to give you is NEVER EVER LET YOUR KIDS SLEEP IN YOUR BED! I know it’s tempting but it leads to restless nights, blankets being stolen, kicks to the face and ribs, and you can forget about intimacy!

So what did we do, we moved. Everyone has their own room, no excuses. Our daughter is back in her bed and now our son is crawling out of his crib. Looks like its time for the toddler bed, but that just gave him more free access. Well we fixed his escaping by using a child door lock on the inside of his door. Problem solved, I'm not kidding when I say it’s a scary thing having a toddler running a muck in the house all while you are asleep. But be advised little ones are very smart and that handle that goes over the door will only last so long, yes they will learn how to use it or break it off.

Our son seen when he was small that sissy got to sleep in our bed. So can you guess who we have sleeping between us now? You got it, that little tater bug. On some mornings you can find both of my kiddos in my bed. Having just one in our bed is hard enough but when you add both of them you can find this mom sleeping on the couch or in someone’s bed. This is a nightmare that my husband and I have created because once you start it’s hard to stop. And once it becomes a norm for your kiddo it’s not easy to get them back into their own bed. So as I said before unless you don't mind an overcrowded bed, waking up with no blankets or pillow, and the occasional kick to the face or back, because they never just sleep they have to kick and rotate and move all over the bed. Never allow your little ones to get too comfy in your bed, because you may just lose it to them!

I had no clue that Nate was in my bed this morning until he popped his head up and said, "Where my daddy at, I'm hungry!" Ugh I look at the clock 6:50. Really we're up already? You bettcha. Now if Nate is in his room he will stay in there and play until he hears movement in the house. The first peep he hears though, he's going to kick that bedroom door like he's fighting for his life. I don't know what’s worse waking up to where my daddy at or him kicking his door. At least when I open the door he's happy to see me for a second before he wants his daddy and food.

Good Morning everyone! How many of you wake with a little one who has taken over your bed? Hard to believe that a toddler can take over a king size bed but I'm here to tell you they can and they will!

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