Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dealing with baby daddy or baby momma drama

Ok so it’s 2012 and most people I know have to deal with baby momma or some baby daddy drama! I have had the pleasure of dealing with this since I was about 2 months pregnant. However my baby daddy drama isn’t nearly as bad as some. My son’s father moved states away when I was just a few months pregnant. Some would say that was pretty shitty. I however didn’t mind too much. You see I am a selfish person and I knew I would be able to have my little bundle of joy all to myself with little drama. I had a great support system and I didn’t need him to do anything other than provide his child support. You could really look at this from a different point of view and say hey he got of scott free. It is what it is and we’ve made it work for the both of us.

However if you ask him, I am the biggest bitch in town. I don’t see why he would think such a thing. I have been more than nice to him. I don’t call him or harass him. I let him see his kid whenever he comes to Arizona. This past Christmas I was even nice enough to let him have Christmas Eve night all the way through late Christmas morning. All this after he had not seen him in almost 3 years.  Mind you he was in Korea for those three years and did send me child support. I don’t ask him for anything extra and I probably never will.

 I don’t know, I think I could be a way worst baby momma! I even know worst!

Do you struggle with your baby’s dad? Tell us your story!

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