Monday, August 13, 2012

Down and Out!

This past week we had the stomach flu ravage our house. It started with one kid and quickly moved on to the rest of the family. My husband comes home from work to take care of us only to come down with it himself. By this point it had pretty much ran through our kids and they were on the mend, its mom and dad that are down for the count. What do you do when you’re sick, can barely make it off the couch, yet you have two little ones you have to take care of?
Well in our case I would have loved to call someone to help with the kids or take them for the day, but that was a no go. Anyone who could or would help is 2 and a half hours away. We have no saving grace. Our kids are running the house, yep that’s right a 5yr old and a 3yr old. It’s a free for all. But really what are you supposed to do? My husband and I took turns napping in our bed and we tried to monitor the best we could from under a blanket on the couch with our eyes half closed. My husband was in charge of lunch and I got dinner, if it wasn’t easy you didn't need to eat it today!As far as nutrition that was out the door too. As long as they were eating something it really didn't matter what it was. Food was food, and we were sick!

My pantry became a free for all, we wore our jammies all day, and if you couldn’t get it yourself then you really didn't need it. My shag carpet was covered in munched and crunched Cheez-Its and there were stickers stuck everywhere. Every blanket and pillow in my house was in the living room and there were ramen noodles from one end of the house to the other. As much as I really did care, I didn't have it in me to bother with it. Just step over what you can and I'll clean it later.

You know we all have moments like this and whether you’re a single parent or a married couple you do what you have to do to get through the day. It’s not always pretty but not to worry no one is knocking with the worst parent of the year award! And in the event that they do, you don't have to answer it!

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