Saturday, August 11, 2012

No, my daddy do it!

My son, Nate, is two weeks away from being 3 years old. He is an awesome little man who we are so proud to call our own. He did not come to us the traditional way but that is another story for another day. Now you all know that I am a stay at home mom. I have been with my children more than any other person on this planet. There is not a moment that has gone by that I have missed with our daughter and only three major events that I have ever missed with my son. I am committed to this stay at home gig, it's hard but it’s my job. I am primarily the disciplinarian in my house just because I do spent the most time with my kids. My husband works full time and lately a lot of over time. So when he comes home he's a little more lenient on things than I am. He will give warning after warning but he's bad about following through. My kiddos have caught on to this. I use timeouts, taking things away, no cartoons, and yes there is the occasional spanking for extreme behavior. Not something that happens very often in our house but I'd be lying if I said we didn't spank but I'm not here to debate spanking over time outs. I’m here to tell the truth!

So here is my dilemma. My son is in awe of his daddy. He is a hands down daddy’s boy! From the moment my husband sets foot in our door I cannot do anything for my son. He will have a melt down over me getting him a drink instead of his daddy and heavens forbid I have to wipe a butt. I constantly hear daddy will do it. If we are in the grocery store and my husband is there I cannot touch the cart. Now in certain situations you can say he's being a complete brat and we're giving into him by allowing him to control the situation. I will stand my ground with him and so will my husband but it just seems sometimes to do no good. And really I can only bear to hear I no like you momma so many times before the water works turn on and I hid in my bathroom to let it out so no one can see. Our kids can be mean and not even understand what they are saying. My husband has started really stepping up with his behavior, making sure he follows through, and enforcing the statements you don't talk to your mom like that and you need to say you’re sorry to her.

I let him out of his room in the morning and greet him with a good morning hug and kiss, he comes running out of his door "Where my daddy at?" Some days it’s not so bad and others it seems to set the tone for the day. He will drop to the floor crying for his dad. I try to comfort him but there are just times I have to walk away. He can be very hurtful and I know he doesn't understand what he is saying I mean come on he's not even 3 yet. But when you have your son look at you and say I NO like you momma and look right at his dad and say I lub you daddy, it does have a way of getting to you. I've pulled back my discipline with him and am trying different tactics hoping to see some improvement. It's touch and go, it all depends on the day. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are our toughest days. My little nugget gets used to having dad home and then Monday hits and he is pissed that dad is at work. Hey to be honest I'm pissed that dad is at work too but it’s the way it is.

I'm frustrated but I'm not giving up. Do you have a daddy’s boy like I do? Know of another little man like mine? I want to hear about it please. I know I'm not alone in this journey; there are others out there too. I'm just open enough to ask how do you handle it.

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