Thursday, August 23, 2012

R U That Mom?

Organized sports

For the last 3 years my son has been in flag football and he LOVES it. This past spring he wanted to play baseball so we signed him up. He loved that as well. He has been playing flag football long enough that I now know all the rules and how the game is supposed to be played. I can’t say the same for baseball, but I’m learning those rules too.

One of my best friends has had her kids in tackle football and she is “THAT MOM!” By “That Mom” I mean the one that is on the side lines yelling at her kids, the coaches and the refs. If she sees something that is not right or her kid doesn’t make the right play, she is all over them. I give her a hard time about it and tell her, “Quit being that mom!”

However Landon had his first football game this last Saturday and Curt called me out saying I was becoming “THAT MOM.” You see the other team didn’t have their shirts tucked in like the rules clearly state and our team was having a hard time pulling their flags because they were pulling their shirts instead of the flags. So since I know for a fact this is a rule I said “Hey coach, why are the other team’s shirts not tucked in? Our boys are grabbing their shirts instead of the flags!” He didn’t realize this and wasn’t aware so he said he would talk to the ref as soon as the play was over. You’re damn right if they want to have rules they better play by them and follow them! My kids gotta do so and your kid should too!

We bought Landon new cleats last season and if your kids play sports you know they are pretty darn expensive, I bought them big hoping they would last. After practice Landon would get in the car and kick his cleats off complaining his feet were really hurting. Ok so it’s probably time to buy the kid new cleats, they didn’t last and we need them soon. I tell Landon let’s just get through your game on Saturday and then we’ll get you new cleats.  

 Saturday’s game, he comes off the field to us saying his feet were really hurting again. I tell him, “You will be fine for the rest of the game get in there and make us proud! We will buy you new cleats this week.”

After the game he came over and sat down on the grass and said again, “Mom my feet are really hurting!” I said ok take off your cleats just leave your socks on, the cement will be hot. Well he didn’t listen and took his socks off. To my surprise I see on each foot he has a blister about the size of a nickel, all red and angry looking. Boy did I feel like crap! My poor kid, I was being “That Mom” again and making him play through the pain in cleats that were too small.  

Needless to say my son is sporting a brand spanking new pair of cleats, with a little room to grow. And I will repeat “Get out there and make us proud buddy, but really let me know if something’s hurting!”   OMG I think I am that MOM!

Do your kids play organized sports? Do you know “THAT MOM” or are you her? Tell us your story!


  1. That's right girl i am that mom and proud to be! I push them to the best of there ability to reach there limits. I know i can be harsh. Just want them to be the best they can be. It comes natural. The remarks just come out of my mouth. I have been better. No calling a team of little boys bitches.. Geese can't believe that came out my mouth..oops

  2. HAAHAH! I know we have had this conversation many of times! I just never thought I would be her. And look here I am the start of being THAT MOM! Im sure when I let him play tackle it will be way worst! BTW thanks for finally leaving a comment Mellisa!
