Thursday, August 9, 2012

First day of school part 3

Parent Pick Up

So its 3:05 time to pick up Landon from school. The first day should have gone great. They probably didn’t do much just got to know each other and maybe did a little school work. His school lets out a 3:05 I thought if I left right at that time I would miss the rush of all the other crazy parents trying to pick their kids up from school on the first day. Boy was I wrong! I pull down the street that my son’s school is located on. It’s a 2 way street however, some parents have decided to make it a 3 lane street causing a cluster f**K! No one knows what they’re doing or where to go and I am stuck in the middle of it. One of the school buses is trying to pull out in front of me but with all the traffic in the street and the big ass truck I’m driving she can’t move and I can’t back up to let her out. So finally the cars start to move and I’m able to make my way to the parent pick up line.

Once Landon gets in the car I ask him how his day was and he tells me it was the worst day ever! I asked him why it was the worst day ever and he replies with I was there forever, like a half hour. I said Landon you were there for almost 7 hours. He says yeah that’s what I meant. So then I continue to grill him on why he had such a bad day. He finally tells me that one of our neighborhood kids is in his class and had decided to sit next to him but that he was picking on him all day. Poking him with a pencil and taking his stuff off his desk.  As soon as we got home from school I made a phone call to his teacher, this mom doesn’t mess around. She said that she had noticed that too and had planned on moving the other student away from Landon. She said that Landon was very good that day, which gave me a huge sigh of relief. Thank goodness for that and good boys!

 Did your first day of school result in a call to a teacher? Mine sure did, but I’d rather be on top of things before there’s even a problem!

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