Tuesday, August 7, 2012

4 dots, 8 dots, 20 dots, can it be the chicken pox?

So it’s the afternoon before my son is to start 2ndgrade. He comes out of his room with his shirt off and I notice a few red spots on his chest and a few on his arms. Now if you know me, you know I overreact about everything.   First thing I think is he probably has the chicken pox, semi joking and semiserious. So I get on the computer and Google images of what chicken pox look like. I am convinced he doesn’t have them. I also looked at the symptoms. His spots did not have fluid in them and they weren’t itchy, he didn’t have a fever or a sore throat. Mind you he also had both his chicken pox vaccines and he actually had the chicken pox when he was under a year old. Ok so I am just over reacting.

Later in the evening I am at my neighbor’s house telling her that I thought Landon may have had the chicken pox but that I think I was over reacting.  So then Landon comes over and I go to show her the spots and they are all over the back of his arms and there are more on his stomach. I begin to freak out because she has a little boy that’s only 2 years old and now my son who possibly has chicken pox has exposed her baby. What a crappy friend I am to bring my kid over with chicken pox.
It’s now 7:10 pm on a Sunday night and the only urgent care that is open is about 20 minutes away and the wait is over an hour and forty five minutes. Well Curt, my boyfriend, and I decided that we would just wait until morning to see if the spots were gone and if not I would just take him to the doctor in the morning before school.

Curt looks at me and says, “Why do you look so stress out and red?” I said, “Are you kidding me? School is starting tomorrow and not only should he not miss school but I don’t think I can handle him home for another 2 weeks! I have been so excited that school is starting and now the thought that he may have to be home another 2 weeks is freaking me the F out!” We both start laughing. I couldn’t believe that the red spots were getting worse as the night went on. I thought for sure he was going to have to stay home with the chicken pox for another two weeks.

When he woke up this morning and I quickly began examining his body.  The red bumps and spots were gone, poof disappeared overnight.  So guess what, he was off to his first day off school without the chicken pox!

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