Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10 Ugly Truths about me… Billie

10. I am just like my own mom. Even down to the way she raised me, I raise my son the same way she raised me. (Not that, that’s a bad thing I love you Momma!)
9. My step dad is my dad; I don’t even acknowledge my sperm donor.
8. I laugh when people get hurt…. Yes, even my own son!
7. I suffer from a severe anxiety disorder… I have it under control almost all the time now. Thank god for medicine and therapist!
6. I never dreamed of having a big fancy wedding, nor did I ever think I would get married. Maybe that’s why I have been with my boyfriend for 7 and half years and we are still not married, and do not plan on getting married.
5. I think I am one of the funniest people I know!
4. I never wanted to be a mom, but now that I am I wouldn’t change it for the world
3. I dislike people that are fake, one uppers, or know it all’s. Be real, you don’t need to keep up with the Jones, and gosh darn it you don’t know everything so shut your damn mouth!
2. I hate my day job! I wish I could be a full time blogger. This is where my heart is.
Can we get a drum roll please……. And the number 1 Ugly truth about me is…..
1. I hardly ever finish anything I start. I have a baby book that probably only has the first 6 months of my sons life wrote in it. I have 3 scrapbooks that are all partially done. I try and start diet and exercise programs but those seem to fail me too. It’s hard to do finish things when you have a full time work schedule and kids at home full time. I could make a list of things I have started and never finished but I don’t want to bore you with that. I have good intentions to do things and I just never seem to finish anything I start.
It’s ok to fail as a parent it’s hard. Get back up and put that smile on your face and keep and going. Parenting is probably one of the hardest things in life you have to do! Keep your head up. We all have ugly truths about being parents. These are things we can either dwell on or just shake our heads and laugh about. I try and just laugh these things off.

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