Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Billie on breastfeeding

I think breastfeeding is a wonderful thing. However for me it wasn’t an option. For one I knew I was going to be a single mom and feedings would be the one time I could have a few minutes to myself to shower or go to the store without a baby in tow. I knew that as soon as my doctor (if not sooner) released me to go back to work I had to go because I had no form of income coming in. Also I didn’t think I would really like a baby attached to me all the time. I had a lot of different reason as to why breast feeding wasn’t a good choice for me and my son. However this has been a huge public topic so I decided I would blog about this issue.

So for me from the day I found out I was pregnant I knew my son was going to be a formula fed baby. Is there anything wrong with that? Nope, I don’t think there is anything wrong with formula feeding your babies. But other mothers out there do think a little differently. I didn’t even try to get my son to breastfeed.  He is as healthy if not healthier then my friends or family members that breastfed their kids. Has my son been sick? Of course what kid doesn’t get sick? He doesn’t suffer from food allergies or any serious illnesses; overall he is one healthy 7 year old boy. It was the right choice for me and my son.

I can see the benefits of breast feeding; first and foremost the cost of formula is tremendous. Then you have the bonding between mother and child. Also the health benefits that come along with breastfeeding.

I was never really pressured by anyone to breastfeed. I think it should be the mother and if the father is around, their sole decision only. So needless to say I decided that breastfeeding wasn’t for me. I did love my snuggle time with my son, when he was feeding out of his bottle, and I think my son and I have a great bond!

Do you think I am wrong for not giving breast feeding a chance?

Stay tuned tomorrow. Krystal will be here posting her story on the good, the bad, and ugly truth of breastfeeding.

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