Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Is Over

Now you know I,Billie, am a work from home mom and I couldn’t be happier that school will be starting on Monday. But with school starting comes a whole lot more mommy duties. First off you have to buy all the school supplies and some extra stuff. Crayons, markers, dry erase markers, index cards, pencils, Clorox wipes, zip lock bags, Kleenex, reams of paper and so much more. Next you have school clothes shopping. My son is now at the age that he thinks he is “cool” enough to pick out his own clothes. Well if I let him pick out his own clothes he would have a slew of graphic character tees, which I don’t like, and basketball shorts, which is all he will where. So now we have the battle over shorts he wants basketball shorts but he needs regualar shorts.  A few tears and a couple pairs of shorts tried on we all agree. Well to be truthfully honest we did bribe him. You can get that character tee,  1 pair of basketball shorts, a belt, and a hat but you have to get regular button shorts and you have to wear them. The deal was sealed! All that was left were some underwear, socks, and a backpack.

Now, you have meet the teacher. My son’s school doesn’t send you a nice letter with your son’s teacher name on it and the class number beforehand so the parents and kids are all trying to squeeze in looking at all the 8x10 sheets of paper till they can see their child’s name and which teacher and room number. Then they are pushing their way back out of the crowd to get to meet the teacher. Talk about an anxiety attack waiting to happen. Finally you get to go in and meet the teacher and hopefully your son/daughter will see a child he had in his class the previous year. Most likely mine will since he has been to the same school since kindergarten.

Then organize sports start as soon as school is about to start. Here they started August 1st. If you are from Arizona you know it’s still freaking hot out. Don’t get me wrong I love that my son loves to play football but hell it’s freaking miserable to sit on a grass field with gnats, mosquitoes, and ants all around meanwhile you are sweating buckets. However Landon’s great team spirit and dedication to play football is something this momma will always love.

Lastly you have the daily rituals that you have to get done that you can’t slack on like you do  in the summer. One I seem to let slide more often in the summer is nightly showers, and early bed times. No more staying up in your room watching TV till 10 or 11 after this Saturday night. Then it’s get up by 7am get teeth brushed, school clothes on, find matching socks which seems to be a freaking treasure hunt in my house. Then it’s off to pack lunch, get a snack and some water for the backpack, and make sure all his homework is in his folder in the backpack. Phew got those all done now time to drop him off at school come home and work. Soon as I get off work it’s off to pick him up. Get home he is STRAVING because he only had 1 lunch at school and a small snack I packed in his lunch box. Now it’s time to get the homework done. This is a daily battle. I get the, “can we do it later or I don’t want to do it” Followed by tears. Once we get that task accomplish it TV or play time for him and I am off to get dinner started. During football season some nights after homework it’s time to get ready to go to practice.

So am I ready for school to start YES he will be out of my Hair about 7 hours a day, but the duty us mothers have to do during the school year are exhausting and tiresome.

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