Friday, August 24, 2012

I just wanted to take a shower, is that too much to ask?

If you have little ones that are as mischievous as mine I’m sure you’ve probably had that moment that the shower you just couldn’t wait any longer to take was the worst mistake you’ve made all day. I’ve had my son come into the bathroom while I was washing my face in the shower, all foamed up with my face wash. He snuck his chubby little hand behind the curtain and turn the water to scalding hot! Try opening your eyes to scalding water and soap, reaching for the shower nob, all while you’re trying not to fall out. Not a good combination I tell ya. I never know if today’s shower is going to be the one that sends me over the edge. I mean come on; all we really want to do is hop in and scrub our asses. Is that really too much to ask for?

Apparently it is. Like any normal day I check to make sure all the locks are locked, no one can get outside, I give the speech do not answer the door for anyone. I even ask are you guys going to be ok for a few minutes so momma can take a shower and as usual I get the yes mom. I put on a show that they will both agree on and try and throw out a snack. I’m not asking for an hour just a few minutes in the shower. I leave the bathroom door open so I can listen for any crying or major noise. You’d think I’ve got it covered but nope that’s not the case.

I come out of the shower to find my children have soaked themselves with my spray bottle. Now the spray bottle in general is a no no in my house, it’s used for haircuts and haircuts only. It always leads to bad news. So here I am scolding away for getting it out and soaking each other. I send both kids to their room and turn around to find that they have drenched our big screen TV. Really kids, I don’t think too much or too hard on this because I’m on the edge barely hanging on.  I get a towel out and the cleaning cloth. I soak up all the water, clean the screen, and find that there is water that has leaked into the cracks of the TV.  I shut it off and try and soak up as much water as I can. Punishment handed down is no TV the rest of the day.

I turn the TV back on about 2 hours later, picture is fine. Thank God, dad would have flipped out. I mean it’s a 55in flat screen that is only 5 months old. The damn thing is brand new. All is fine, dad comes home and I’ve forgotten to tell him. We’re chatting away talking about the day and I look over to find directly in the center of the TV is and 8in bar running from the top to the bottom of the screen and what are these popping sounds coming out of it? Oh no, now I’ve got to spill it. So I tell Nathan what happened. My husband gets up to turn the TV on the stand only to find water pouring out of the bottom. Really I just wanted to take a shower, and this is what I get for doing so.

Now we’re playing TV repair man, it’s on the floor and we’ve taken apart the back to soak up any remaining water.  My son who is the one who gave our TV a nice soaking thinks this is the funniest thing around. All while I’m thinking to myself please damn it don’t be broke.  The damn thing sits for hours turned off. My daughter is distraught because Nate broke the TV, Nathan is pissed that they had access to a spray bottle, Nate is saying no daddy momma broke it, and all I can say is I just wanted to take a shower.

Needless to say after it sitting for almost a full day, it did dry out and BAM the TV is working again no bar running though. Hallelujah because I was beginning to wonder how the hell am I going to get through a day without cartoons? I can tell ya it took a lot of willing it to work and luck was on my side.  I don’t like using the TV as a baby sitter but lets all be honest here, our TV’s play a huge role in our households and without it what do you do? Wait don’t answer that!

Do you have an infamous shower story too? Spill it!

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