5. When Krystal’s had a few
cocktails she can play a mean tambourine!(I do it’s yellow and that
was the best gift my mother in law ever gave me. I say a ching ching ching goes
the tambourine)
4. She got married at the Hitchin Post… seriously who does that?
Krystal and her husband!
3. Krystal bribes her kids with snacks so they stay quiet so we
can talk on the phone about the blog, or just shoot the breeze.
2. She is probably one of the shittiest best friends anyone can
ever have!
1. She will probably never tell her daughter how many times she
showed her boobies in the bar on a drunkin’ night. (Nope I will NOT!)
5 ugly truths of Billie by meeee…Krystal
5 Billie’s car has never been clean and probably never will
4 On bad days Billie just wants an icey, it’s like a cold flavorful
burst of happiness in her mouth!
3 In her 20’s Billie was the wildest craziest party girl you’ve
ever seen and now in her 30’s she’s the biggest prude you’ve ever seen.
2. When Billie sweats it smells like cheeseburgers.
1. Billie will come across as a Bitch when you first meet
her, but once you crack through that hard core you realize how amazing and
funny she really is! I say this because that’s actually what I thought when I
met her.
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