Friday, September 21, 2012

We all need a break sometimes!

When was the last time you had a night out? Well if you’re anything like me it’s been a long long time. My husband and I moved back in February leaving behind most of our family and friends, the only people whom I have ever trusted to watch my children. I've been on the lookout for a babysitter but have yet to find someone who I feel comfortable and can trust to leave my kids with.

I go everywhere and do everything with my two rugrats. I'm a stay at home mom and I love my kids but damn this mom needs a break and a little fun. We've reached the point in our house where kids are running amuck, someone’s always crying because they got hit, hair pulled, pushed, bit or pinched and I'm in tears because I just want 5 minutes of peace and quiet to take a dump, yes I did just say that. I have a least one if not both of my kiddos in the bathroom at all times with me, heavens for bid I try and lock the door because that only leads to more screaming and banging on the door. I mean it’s really sad when your son pulls out a tampon and says, “Here momma put this in you butt!” Really?... Yes really.

My husband really does everything he can to try and give me a break even if it means he's cooking dinner, but really that just means more time that my kids are pawing at me and wanting my attention. I love it and I love them but sometime too much is just too much. I can only play so much, sing so much, and keep you occupied so much. We all need a break once in a while.

I couldn't imagine myself doing anything other than taking care of my kids but sometimes it sure is fun to daydream about life before the kids came. Oh to have a night out on the town with my hubs, no kids, no curfew, where I can sleep all day the next day. Yep that's exactly what I need. Just a little break to shed this momma uniform, put on a pair of heels, and remember who I was before I had kids. Shit I'd even take a come on over in your sweats, we'll wear heels, drink cheap wine, and wear red lipstick all while our kids are rolling in the dirt in the back yard. Hey a girls gotta dream ya know and I'll take what I can get.... hahaha.

Good times good times!  All I can say now is if you do have a sitter, someone who loves your kids as much as you. Use them any chance you can because there are those moms out there like me, who cannot even remember the last time they had a night out on the town.
Shit I don't even need the red lipstick, I'll just take the heels!

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