Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rolling in the dirt

What is it with kids and Dirt? Ok so my backyard is a dirt yard, there are a few patches of grass but really it’s just dirt. My kids come in everyday from here a complete dusty mess with plumes of dust coming off their head and clothes.  We’re talking eyes, nose, and mouth crusted with mud and gravel literally falling out of their hair. I’m sick of it! It’s like my kids are rolling in the dirt, which I have actually seen them doing.  But damn they don’t need to swim in it.

Now I guess I’m a little to blame here, I let my kids get dirty. Play in the dirt, have fun, dig holes but do not cover your brother/sister in it please. That’s all I ask but nope they can’t even follow that rule.  There is not a kid in the neighborhood or family member that has come to our house and left our back yard clean. Kids do what they do but is it really necessary to coat yourself in it?

I already can’t keep up with the dust that is naturally here in this dry ass town but when you add my kids coming in brown as can be with a dusty trail left behind, I’m just fighting a losing battle. I’m done, if come to visit don’t expect me to dust, if you are dust sensitive don’t bother keep yo distance, my kids don’t normally dress like this but I’m sick of dirt stained cloths and forbid them to wear anything that resembles something normal in my backyard. If you flip out because your kids get dirty, do not allow them to come to play in my backyard.

I am sick of yelling get out of the dirt, quit rolling in it, get your dirty hands out of your mouth, do not dump dirt on you brother’s head and the dog! It’s a daily battle with my two. I mean I was cleaning dirt out of my son’s ears last night because he had been covered; oops I’m sorry son you can’t hear because there is a rock in your ear. I miss my Spokane backyard it was magical in the summer and full of grass I wish I could click my sparkly red heels and say there’s no place like home and bam we’d be back. No such luck, but it doesn’t stop me from daydreaming.

Do you have a dirt ball, kids that just gravitate to the dirt? Well I do and it SUCKS! Thank God for my washer and dryer because the laundry never stops here!

My dirty girl, and I mean that quite literally!


  1. I just made a comment and don't see it, so I must not have done it. I will do it again. I remember when we were little, my brothers and I. We dug a hole in the dirt drive-way and filled it with water. That was our swimming pool. How sad is that! Your Mother-in-law

    1. I did the same thing, we could never get the hole to hold the water though. I think we might have even tried a trash bag in it once LOL. It was our liner haha.
