Sunday, September 16, 2012

I need results!

So I had, had enough! I went to the school yesterday and maybe it was a good thing Landon’s teacher or principle were not in yesterday because I may have just made CNN headline news. Well not really I would never harm or hurt anyone but I really wanted to scream and yell and tell them how I felt about the way things had been going down at their school for the last 2 years and it wasn’t going to happen again this year. I let it slide for 2 years and now this is getting real. They are starting to learn more and my son is just falling behind more and more, my poor little love bug. I hate to see him not succeed. Maybe this is why he “HATES” school so much, it’s a daily chore to get him to go every day. I think him struggling has a lot to do with it, more so than I had originally thought.

So I go in and talk to the receptionist and let her know what is going on. She informs me that neither the principle nor the teachers are in today. Well we decide maybe we should get the principle involved but really should we go that far right now? Out from this little side room pops out a counselor and she has over heard my conversation with the receptionist and comes out and tells me what she thinks I should do. She says as a former teacher maybe I should wait and talk to the teacher before going to the principle because the teacher might be offended. I agreed. This teacher had only been Landon’s teacher for about 3 weeks, at this point she really has had nothing to do with why I am really so upset. So the three of us decide maybe we should email the teacher and go from there.

I leave a little more calmed down, at this point these people have felt for me and my son. They get where I am coming from and said if there was anything they could help with they would be more than willing.

I went and ran some errands got home and checked my email. His teacher had emailed me back already within 30 minutes from the Ohio airport. She emailed letting me know, that she has already started the process of getting him tested, to see if maybe he does have a learning disability. She too had noticed all the things I told her that he struggled with and she said she has noticed other things as well.

So let’s hope this is a process that will help and benefit my child’s education for the better!

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