Friday, September 28, 2012

Tooth Fairy Watch

Well its official the tooth is finally out! It’s been a long 5 weeks of worry and wonder hoping this damn thing would come out. When the new tooth is almost as tall as the baby tooth you know you've got to get that thing out. I didn't want to take her to the dentist to do it because I was afraid for her. I had a dentist yank one of my front teeth when I was a kid and I never forgot how that felt. Not something I wanted to force my little one to go through if I didn't have to.

So I made it my husband’s job! He had until Friday to get it out and managed to get it done two days early. I've been freaking out about this little tiny tooth about the size of a grain of rice coming out because Missy B was uninterested in wiggling it. I don't get that but she was.

Last night as I 'm reading a book to my son before bed I can hear my daughter yelling, I know what my husband is trying to do. I have to give him credit he was in there trying his hardest to not hurt her. I move on to singing songs trying to keep my son from hearing her, it seemed like she was getting a little louder and then I would sing a little louder.

Finally I hear nothing no cheering, crying, yelling, reading, Nothing! Ok so I'm thinking Nathan couldn't do it and let it be for the night. I'm in the kitchen when my husband starts shouting for me to come here you have to see this. I round the corner to find Nathan standing there with this tiny tooth with a gigantic root on it in his hand. Tears welled up in his eyes. My heart sank and then I was over joyed. That damn tooth was finally free; this momma doesn't have to worry about it anymore!

Bella is beaming ear to ear. She has blood on her cheek and an empty spot where a tooth used to be. She tells me it hurt but she's glad she didn't have to use the door to get it out. Bella and Nathan run me through play by play. At one point as it came out both of them had tears streaming down there face. But it's out and that's what needed to be done.

You know there are things that I can handle without a problem and then there are things I just cannot do and this was one of them. I made the joke hey I babied those teeth coming in, I can't handle them coming out. And that's the honest truth right there. She's got the second front tooth coming in now, I think she's grasped the aspect of wiggling it but we'll just have to wait and see. But this bad boy will be out before the 5 week mark that I can promise!

Have you ever had to pull your kids tooth? Any suggestions on how to make it less painful?

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