Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Exactly What Not To Do

It’s Labor Day and my husband and I are in the garage working on our son’s dresser a project we’ve been at for two days. I’ve got a yard full of kids, my son is on his big wheel, and I’m hunkered down screwing screws in. Out of nowhere I hear a strange girl’s voice. I turn to look and here stands this “foreign exchange college student” and I can’t even tell you what she said to me because I was lost in where are my kids and who the Fuck are you. Before I know it I’m agreeing to give her 3 minutes to explain what she is selling which happens to be an educational program. She’s asking me how important my children’s education is. Um well hello unless you’re really a shit parent it’s pretty damn important. And that’s how she hooked me.

I start off and explain I’m not interested in anything I have to make a decision on right now, it’s a bad time and we’re kind of busy. Right off the bat this girl is way to open and personal yet throwing in I’m sorry if I’m talking a million miles an hour, she keeps using my name as if to gain some kind of trust. (Sorry but I see everything that can’t be proved immediately as a scam and I feel like that’s what was about to happened to me.) I feel like this girl has got her stuff down almost too well. She had all these names of supposed people in our neighborhood and community but, I’m new here and if you’re not my neighbor then I don’t know you. Something just seemed fishy. I politely sit and listen to her speech, I’m one of those people who have a hard time saying NO right off the bat, they always seem to catch me and I cave only to say no in the end, wasting your time and mine. Just as I’m thinking you said 3 minutes and it’s been like 5 she abruptly ends. I tell her thank you but I need to sit down with my husband and discuss all decisions that need to be made. She then asks can she have 3 minutes of my husband’s time, who is trying to finish putting the knobs on the drawers, clean out the old dresser, and smoke some BBQ ribs; I’m not involving him in something I already feel is a scam. I once again tell her thanks but if you need a decision on anything right now I’m going to have to say no. I even asked for a brochure I can sit and talk with my hubs about and she has only one pamphlet that she did give to me but I immediately look for an email address or a web site, I’d like to look it over if it’s real but I get  “I’m sorry but I don’t have anything.” Clearly while I’m looking at a pamphlet that is a little beat up with a customer service email address and a web address. Ok so either it’s a scam or she’s really new to all of this. I again thank her very much for her time but tell her I’m not interested. She closes her book and says ok now can I ask you a question not pertaining, ok sure why not. I’m not a rude person and I always try to be polite it’s something about me that is just me I can’t change it.

She asks to use my bathroom. I have sirens going off in my head; I know this is a bad idea. But am I just being a paranoid mom? What if she’s legit and actually really needs to pee. She walked up to my house with a backpack, a binder, and a water bottle so maybe she did need to go. My husband is home it’s not like I was all alone with my kids when she walked up my driveway. Against everything, I allow her into my house to use the restroom. I do a once over to make sure no one pooped and forgot to flush and to make sure that there is nothing in my bathroom that can easily end up in someone’s pocket. So now I’m thinking ok either she’s trying to snag something out of my bathroom or she’s giving me time to try and convince my husband to sit down with her. I don’t want to walk out of the house and leave her alone but my kids and everyone else’s, where in my front yard.  I’m pacing back and forth from the hallway to the front door. My son is trying to ride his big wheel in the street with no shoes on. I get him to the front door and am trying to squeeze his chubby ass feet into his sandals as fast as I can. They won’t fit, WTF. As loud as I can say I tell him to come inside so we can get his shoes on. I’m listening for any sounds coming from my bathroom. I hear the flush and water turn on but did I just hear my bathroom cabinet close? Ok now I’m tripping. I still can’t get my sons shoes on and this chic has been in my bathroom way too long. I felt like she was in there like minutes after the flush but really she could have been putting her hair back up, I don’t know.

Finally she walks out quick as can be shakes my hand picks up her bag, which she did leave out side, and is on her way. I’ve got like 5 kids surrounding me asking who was that lady what did she want. I snag my hubs from outside and pull him in to keep an eye on the kids and her. I ransack my bathroom looking for anything that is out of place. I can’t see anything out of place or missing. I do the switch a roo with Nathan to see if he can see anything. Nope everything looks exactly the same as it did before.

It’s been two days now and I’m still searching my bathroom to see if something is missing. I don’t know if she was legit and trying to sell me something or if she was trying to scam me. I shouldn’t have let her into my house but with my husband home I didn’t feel threaten.  Normally I do not answer the door for anyone I don’t know or people trying to sell me something.  I know I’m not good with these people and prefer to avoid them at all cost, I made a bad decision and I’m pretty sure even though nothing bad happened I’ve learned my lesson.

So the moral of my story today is

1 Never let a stranger into your house, even if it is a girl, you never know
2 Just say no from the beginning, don’t get suckered 

3 If they don’t know the website for the educational program which is clearly stated on the pamphlet you just handed me then you’re getting scammed

4 Don’t ever buy anything from someone who comes to your door.

5 Don’t ever tell someone you are new to the area, they can bullshit you all over the place!


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