Saturday, September 1, 2012

Missy B's First Day of School

It’s 12:20 and we’re on our way to drop Bella off for her first day of Kindergarten. I’m a little nervous and trying not to show it because Bella is excited and I don’t want to do anything that could change that.  School starts in 10 minutes and I’m in the front seat sweating worried she is going to be late for her first day. I’m throwing out the,” What are we going to do at school? Listen!” Because I’m also trying to drill into her you need to listen to your teacher, because God knows she doesn’t listen at home.

We pull in to the parking lot with 2 minutes to spare, now I can exhale we made it. I see all of the kids waiting outside with their parents and it really sets in that my baby is going to school. We walk through the gate and check her in with her teacher. We weren’t late but we were the last ones to check in, oh well doesn’t matter we’re here and there’s no turning back. I quickly scan the crowd and take a look at everyone. I’m asking myself, “Why am I the only one here who looks like they’re going to have a nervous breakdown?” I don’t even want to look at my husband because if I do I’m done for. Teacher calls for everyone to line up. We quickly snap a few little pics and send her to line up. She looks a little nervous standing there but I also know she is so excited.  She turns to look at us; I blow her a kiss and tell her to have a good day. All while I’m praying “Please listen to your teacher!” With a blink of an eye the kiddos are off to their class and I’m be lining out the gate and back to the car. The tears are coming and I can’t stop them. I cried the whole way home. I was so excited for her to start but I was sad too. I cried on and off for about the first hour. My baby was growing up and she went from  a toddler to a little girl in one swift quick motion.

Tick tock tick tock now I’m watching the clock, how much longer until I can go get her. My husband has called twice and every time the phone rings I’m thinking it’s the school calling me.  Finally the clock says it’s time to go but shit I’m going to be late I forgot all about the school zones and I have to pass through three of them to get to her school. I’m cursing every red light and driver in front of me who can barely do the speed limit.  I pull into the parking lot 4 minutes passed the end of school.  I see my daughter standing in the parent pick up section holding a volunteers hand.  She did it; she made it through her first day.

I run up and grab her so excited to hear all about her day. I ask, “So how was it, did you have a good day?” She says, “Yes mostly mom, but I’ll tell you about it in the car.” Oh no already?  I’m drilling her did you get into trouble, why was it mostly good, what happened, what did you guys do today? And just like she said she made me wait until we got into the car to tell me about her day.

They had read a book about a gingerbread man and then the class made gingerbread men only to find after they came back to the class room that their gingerbread men had ran away. They were sent on a scavenger hunt to try and find them, only to find that the last clue brought them back to their class where their gingerbread men had been waiting for them. Her day was only mostly great because the gingerbread men ran away.

 She made it through her first day, managed to listen to her teacher, not lose her glasses, make some friends, and find where the bathroom was. I’d say all in all she had a good day! She doesn’t go back until Tuesday so let’s all hope for the best on that one. I’m sure Miss Hone is sure to see her stubborn side eventually!
On a side note, I did discover that I seem to be the older mom of the kiddos in her class. I've never been the old mom. I don't feel old, but when your standing there looking at a bunch of 25yr olds knowing damn well your birthday is in a few days and your going to be 33, you can't help but feel a little old. Age is nothing but a number though and I can sure as hell tell you I don't feel old. Kindergarten is going to be a very interesting year!

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