Friday, September 7, 2012

Every day is backwards day in my house.

My little boy is truly a character. He does some of the most random things that have me busting at the seams. Lately he has started wearing his cloths backwards. Now when it started with his pants I could understand he’s still new to the whole going potty and feels like he needs to shed his shorts and undies to do it. He sometimes will let me help and others he won’t so it’s not surprising to see when he comes out that he has his shorts on backwards. I just laugh and leave it at that. That’s a battle that I’m not choosing to fight. Hey dude you want to wear them like that then go right ahead. Chances are that at some point you’re going to end up turning them around on your own or you’re going to get so dirty that I’m going to have to change you anyway.

So he started with wearing his shorts backwards then moved on to wearing his underwear backwards as well. Now little boy underwear are just funny in general but throw them on a 3yr old backwards with a chubby little ass eating them like a thong and that’s a recipe for a big ole belly laugh. The shorts I don’t mind but really the underwear have got to be uncomfortable, so this when I do see it, I try and fix. But honestly if I’ve got to fight him to do it then by all means, let your ass eat your underwear.

Well, as I’m sure you can imagine my little one has now graduated to wearing his shirts backwards as well. I seen him coming and tried to stop him but he was bound and determined he was going out front with daddy. I tried to change it but the moment he told me no momma I did it, I threw my hands in the air and sent him on his way.

Is it really so bad to let your kids wear their cloths backwards? I won’t take mine out of my cul-de-sack like this but if it’s just playing outside what’s the big deal really. I say it’s one less fight I have to have with him and we both win. He got himself dressed and I don’t have to take the credit for it.
All I can say is it is what it is, if you're going to wear it rock it!

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