Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Do you wanna save some cash???

Billie’s Saving’s Tips
As most of you know I use to be a huge couponer. Some would even say I was extreme. I would get 6 Sunday papers just for the coupons I would occasionally buy coupons off e-bay if there was a good deal on something I knew my family would use. I would spend many hours looking for coupons and clipping and organizing my coupons in my coupon binder. I got my best friend Mellisa to coupon with me for a while and I also got my 2 older brothers into couponing as well. With that being said it was one thing I really had a passion for. I still do have a passion for it however it can be time consuming. When I was couponing to the extreme I did at home day care and it allowed me a little more time to clip and organize my coupons. Now that I am working again I cut back to only getting 2 papers on Sundays. My papers usually sit untouched for weeks at a time and then I decide after a couple weeks that I need to organize them and get them in my binder. So I will do that about every 3 weeks now.
Some people say the rush you get when you walk out of the store and you pay only tax is like getting high. It really is! The first transaction you make whether it be free tooth paste, tooth brushes, body wash or hand soap ETC. It is the best feeling in the world to know you can really still get stuff for free these days.
So with that being said I am going to give you some tips on how to start couponing or place/websites you can go to save money.
When I first started couponing, I honestly just googled how to start couponing? Well if you google that you will come up with a million websites on how to coupon, ideas, tips, ETC.
I found an amazing website that truly gave me the best details on how to coupon. They have many virtual classes from how to set up your binder to how coupons work and how to get the best deal. When I found this website they had I believe 32 virtual classes. I took a whole weekend and read every class and got the overall concept on how it all worked. The best part about this website is its FREE!
The next thing I did was find a local blog. Someone that is close to you that does match ups for grocery stores and pharmacies in your area. Here in Arizona I like to use cook coupon work. These local blogs should be free and take the hard work out of couponing. They will match the weekly sales with what coupons are out. There are a lot of blogs in Arizona I like this one because there is no drama or rude people (and believe me I have followed a few blogs that have some rude people on them which cause a lot of drama. Plus any where you have a lot of women there is bound to be some drama!) And the 2 gals that run the site Rachel and Susan are super nice and will answer any and all questions along with the people that follow their blog are equally as helpful! There are a number of people that follow this blog that don’t live in Arizona that still use the match ups. We have Fry’s grocery store which is an affiliate of Kroger. Most the sale are the same and most the time each region gets the same or similar coupons. They also do Walgreens and CVS match ups and I am pretty sure those sales are the same state to state. I could be wrong though. =)
*** The best thing to remember about using coupons at your local grocery store is to try and find a store near you that will double your coupons or make all coupons worth a dollar to get the most out of your savings.
These websites are also helpful and help you save money if you live in the Arizona area.
Arizona money savin mama
Alicias deals in AZ
You can also find these previous 3 bloggers on facebook and get the latest feed right on your page to get the hottest deals when the start.
Daily deal sites- these sites have new deals everyday and the deals are usually SMOKIN HOT!
Freebie sites
If you know of any other coupon sites or blogs in other areas please feel free to leave a comment below so we can all check out these deals. If you check these pages out please tell them the ugly truth of motherhood sent you www.facebook.com/theuglytruthofmotherhood <--- copy and paste this in to your comment when you tell them who sent you!
*Disclosure I am not affliated with these website other then the face that I use them myself!
Hope you get some use from this tid bit of info!

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